A fall meeting of the Grand Prairie Historical Society was held October 20, 2011 at the Schwab's Store building at Crockett's Bluff. As one of the society's newer members, having only heard of its existence on a few months ago, I was pleased to be able to attend. When Eddie and Thelma Schwab retired in the mid 1980s their store was closed. Throughout my childhood from the mid 1930s until then it was the center of activities in the Bluff.
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Darrell Gardner, a son-in-law and wife of their daughter Vickie, addresses the group regarding the general history of Crockett's Bluff, as well as the history of the store and the Schwab family that began in America with Eddie's father Sebastian whose blacksmith operated for years near the back entrance of the store. (Someone noted on a picture made in the 1930s of the store from the top of the Prange water tower that Sebastian could be seen -- to those with a keen sight -- moving through a gate when the picture was taken.) | | | |
DPW with Raymond Sweetin, Jr. of Stuttgart at the meeting. |
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